주요 경력 / Career
- Broadcasting Projects
- Foreign Language Exam Writing, Review and Rating Projects Advisor to Brazilian Cultural Center in Korea
- Movie Projects: movie junkets, press conferences & interviews, subtitle translation
- Head of Int’l Volunteer Missions /Teaching Excellence Award Recipient
연구 업적 / Recent Publications
- Treaty of Rome: Legal Implication to the East Asian Regional Agreements
- Cameron’s Avatar: Criticisms from the American Conservatives and Parallels with War in Iraq, and Discussions on Anti-Americanism
- My Sweet Orange Tree in Korean Context: Title Translation, the Song Zeze, and its Popularity & Universality
- Juxtaposition and Hybridity in Avatar: Future is Past, Pandora is Earth, Human is Alien, and Alien is the Indigenous
- 할리우드 키드의 발칙한 영어노트
- 스타일 여행영어
- TOEIC Wow/Challenge TOEIC