** The content and order of questions and answers are the same as in the Korean section.
Q: What should I do if I need the Dean's signature for matters such as credit approval?
A: If you need the Dean's signature, please email the DIS office (hufsdista@hufs.ac.kr) with the reason for your request. We will coordinate the Dean's schedule and respond accordingly.
Q: Can I obtain a certificate stating that all undergraduate courses were conducted 100% in English for graduate school applications?
A: There is no official certificate available. However, the Dean can provide a letter including the relevant details. If you would like to request this letter, please contact the DIS office (hufsdista@hufs.ac.kr) with detailed information about your request.
Q: Is early graduation possible for transfer students?
A: Transfer students are not eligible for early graduation.
Q: I passed the graduation exam last semester, but the graduation exam section in the web information system is marked as "Incomplete."
A: Please note that the system will only update after you submit the [Graduation Confirmation Document], along with all required graduation documents, including language proficiency test scores. The record of your graduation exam pass is kept at the department office. Once you submit the Graduation Confirmation Document and express your intent to graduate, we will assist you with the graduation process.
Q: I want to transfer my major credits to liberal arts credits. How can I do that?
A: Please refer to the guidelines on credit reclassification in the notice below.
Q: I would like to transfer to the DIS. What are the selection criteria for transfers?
A: If you wish to transfer to the DIS, the selection criteria are as follows (based on the 2025 guidelines):
ㅇ Academic performance: 75%
ㅇ Interview with the Dean (major suitability): 25%
Please note that the selection criteria may change annually. Be sure to check the transfer notice for the specific year.
You can check the previous transfer-related notices; DIS website → Notice → DIS Office Notice, and search for "전과"
Q: I couldn't register for the DIS course I wanted during the registration period. Is there an additional registration period?
A: Yes, there is. The first week of every semester is the "Course Add/Drop Period." During this time, you can modify your schedule by replacing registered courses with others that have available seats.
If you wish to enroll in a DIS course that is full, please refer to the "Course Capacity Increase Procedure(증원 절차 안내)" announced at the beginning of each semester. You will need to complete the attached "Course Capacity Increase Request Form(증원신청서)" and contact the course instructor directly to obtain their approval. Once the instructor grants permission, the DIS Office will assist you in enrolling in the course. For more detailed information, please check the "Course Capacity Increase Procedure(증원 절차 안내)" announcement at the start of the semester.