전공 필수 수업 DIS Required (Mandatory) Courses
학기 / Semester |
1학기 / Spring Semester |
2학기 / Fall Semester |
전공필수 과목 Major Required (Mandatory) Courses |
Principles of Economics I = 경제학원론 (1) |
Principles of Economics II = 경제학원론 (2) |
Understanding Culture※ = 문화의 이해 |
Understanding Culture※ = 문화의 이해 |
English 1 (Academic Writing for International Studies) = 국제학영어논문작성법 |
English 2 (English Debate and Presentation) = 국제학영어토론과발표 |
International Relations Theory = 국제관계: 이론과 실제 |
Volunteer Service I※ |
Volunteer Service II※ |
※ Understanding Culture 수업은 두 학기 모두 열리는 수업이지만 1번만 수강하면 됩니다. The ‘Understanding Culture’ course is held both semesters, but you only need to take it once.
※ Volunteer Service 1 & 2 수업은 국제학 1전공 19학번 이후 입학생만 해당됩니다. (18학번 이상/이중/부전/편입 해당사항 없음) Volunteer Service 1 & 2 classes are only available to DIS 1st major students who entered the in 2019. (Entry year 2018 or higher/double/minor/transfer not applicable)
※ 국제학 1전공, 이중전공, 편입생은 전공필수 수업을 모두 이수해야 합니다. Students who take DIS as 1st major, double major, and transfer students (DIS major) must complete all required major courses.
※ 아래 수업의 개설 유무는 해당학기 상황에 따라 다릅니다.
※ Courses below might vary due to circumstances of the semester.International Relations
Introduction to Comparative PoliticsInternational Organization
International Relations of Asia
Public Diplomacy II
Future of War
Global Governance and NGO
Power in World Politics
Korean Politics and Diplomacy
International Political Economy
International Relations Theory
Public Diplomacy I
Korean Politics and Diplomacy
Transnational Actors in World Politics
The Politics of Technology
Principles of Economics IPrinciples of Economics II
Microeconomic Theory
International Finance and Balance of Payments
Financial Economics
Macroeconomic Theory
International Trade and Investment
International Studies Seminar I
International Studies Seminar II
Development and Law
Theory and Practice of Economic DevelopmentIntroduction to Polar Studies
Institutions and Development
International Organization and Law
International Public Law
Introduction to Korean Law
Introduction to Development Economics
Advanced Development Economics
ODA and Law
Globalization and Development
Korean Economy and Law
Language and Culture
English I (Academic Writing for International Studies)English II (English Debate and Presentation)
Understanding Culture
Chinese I
Chinese II
Chinese III
Chinese IV
Korean I
Korean II
Korean III
Korean IV